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                                  Pullman face to face courses are in the process of being updated to Distance Delivery. The schedule will be "final" on August 1, 2023.

                                  COVID-19 Scheduling

                                  More information about the Fall 2023 room reassignments, reduced GUC Room Capacities, Instruction Modes, using 25Live to find rooms, and the OBIEE report for data collection and reporting. 

                                  Some content on this site is specific to the Pullman campus. If you have suggestions, find an error, or have other comments about this site, email the webmaster.

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                                  It was suggested that we roll Fall 2021 before any more changes have been made to Instruction Modes. This was a great idea, and we have rolled to Fall 2021. It is not open for Initial Proofing.

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                                  Our next class will be Monday, August 17 from 2-4pm. Sign up on our Access & Training page. Please read the entire page, including the information about requesting access and preparation for the class. Access will be temporarily granted on August 17 pending completion of the training.

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                                  posted 7/22/20

                                  We created a new OBIEE report to give departments a way to visualize how many sections and students are enrolled based on Instruction Mode. This new report is located in myWSU > OBIEE > WSU Enrollment Summary Reports > Enrollment Summary Reports dashboard > Instruction Mode Summary Info. The report provides "live" data from the previous evening. There is not a way to view data on a specific date.

                                  The top area shows Instruction Mode percentages by section and enrollment by campus. The screenshot below was taken on 7/22/20.

                                  OBIEE Instruction Mode percentages

                                  The second section allows the user to view Instruction Mode based on Term, Campus, Academic Group, Academic Organization, and Subject. Dropdowns allow the user to change the options. This section allows the user to export a spreadsheet showing the data.


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                                  posted 7/16/20

                                  Pullman Campus Schedulers have completed the room assignment process on the Pullman Campus. Department schedulers may submit updates to the Fall 2023 Schedule of Classes through the 10th day of instruction via Maintain Schedule of Classes. Sections without a classroom were updated to Distance Delivery, though department schedulers may request a room and make changes to this per normal procedures.

                                  We recommend that Department Schedulers use the new Covid Adjusted Public Searches in 25Live to find spaces. See the article below for more information. If you would like help using 25Live to find spaces, the right sidebar contains instructions and the 25Live Help page has more information. If further assistance is needed, email vpn数据安全 to set up a Zoom meeting. She can help you set up a personal Room Search Event to look for rooms by semester.

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                                  posted 7/10/20

                                  We have updated the Public Searches in 25Live for the Pullman campus. As it is difficult to see the COVID Adjusted capacities in 25Live, these searches will bring up spaces with a given capacity or higher. The search name tells the user the room capacity. For example: CV GUC 45+ will find GUC spaces with 45-49 seats (as 49 is still the highest capacity allowed). We will accept requests for different spaces beginning 7/18/20/ for academic courses. We will not approve any spaces for events until further notice.

                                  vpn数据安全 CV GUC 40+ CV GUC 35+ CV GUC 30+
                                  CV GUC 25+ CV GUC 20+ CV GUC 15+ CV GUC 10+


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                                  We have received a list of GUC spaces that are to be avoided for Fall 2023. Read more about it on the COVID Scheduling pages.

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                                  posted 6/22/20

                                  We will no longer be listing our Schedule Builder Classes on the HRS website. Students can enroll in the courses directly through us. There is a Next Available option that is active when a new course has not been scheduled. 有健康码还是进不了小区咋办?红码怎么转绿码?戳进来!解码你 ...:2021-2-23 · 有健康码还是进不了小区咋办?红码怎么转绿码?戳进来!解码你的全部问题_蓉城聚焦_四川新闻_四川在线 一张二维码,分颜色反映身体状况,实现“零 ....

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                                  Next Steps: Phase 2 Data Collection due 7/10/20

                                  posted 7/6/20

                                  Departments should run the OBIEE report/form COVID - Add Supplemental Data and review their courses. If changes are needed, put them in the columns on the left side. The form has been updated a bit. 

                                  • vpn数据安全: If yes, we will pull the room you were scheduled on 6/18/20. If you do not change the Requested Room Capacity (RRC) to match the new room, or indicate that you are using a Flipped/Rotating schedule, then we will guess and send you a message. 49 Students is the Maximum for any room. Possible changes include reducing RRC, changing instruction mode to SO/HY, or changing the course to Distance Delivery (DD). We prefer that you make this clear. This is the last opportunity to opt-in to Keep the Original Room!
                                  • CV Instruction Mode: Only choose this if you are changing the Instruction Mode.
                                  • Flipped/Rotating: Mark this if you're updating a section and plan to use this teaching model. We will assume that you have looked at the new room capacity and are planning to manage the students. If it looks like you plan to do this, but you are not clear, we do the math assuming that students will meet weekly or bi-weekly in the room, and will adjust capacity if needed. If you have a more complicated flip/rotating schedule, note that.
                                  • More Information: If you want a GUC, mention it here. We are not accepting specific room requests. 

                                  Room Optimizing has been Completed

                                  posted 7/6/20

                                  Melissa and Jill completed the room re-assignments this morning. Normally, Melissa spends a long time on this process and we are on a time crunch, so we did it as fast as we could. Our only goal was to find you a room within your requested room capacity. We found rooms for a significant portion of our class schedule and just 81 sections with a day & time do not have rooms. 

                                  Sections that are using Distance Delivery (DD) or Videoconferencing (VC) with no students in the room, have a Facility ID of WEB_ARR. The Instruction Mode is not updated on all DD/VC due to the time constraints. Sheree is updating those and it will take her at least a couple days to complete this.

                                  We ask that departments add SOC Notes for all Distance Delivery sections and ideally, for the partially online sections as well. We have added standard notes to the SOC Notes area for ease in adding these. Use Sequence Number 2, then type 3, 4, or 5 in the Note Nbr field. Select Copy Note to move it to the Free Form Text area and Save. If you need help, email us.

                                  • 0003: Distance Delivery
                                  • 0004: Hybrid or Some Online
                                  • 0005: Flipped or Rotating

                                  Phase 1 Status

                                  posted 7/3/20

                                  The initial Data Collection Phase 1 has been completed. Campus Schedulers are compiling the submitted data and entering into myWSU in preparation of Optimizing. As most reports were submitted on the deadline, there is a backlog in processing. All requests, with the exception of Distance Delivery changes, will be processed by 7/3/20. Distance Delivery will be processed last as it is easiest and we may need assistance to complete data entry. Schedulers received emails from us describing issues that we saw. Comments or changes may be submitted via email or in the Notes/Request area of Maintain Schedule of Classes. 

                                  Comments on the Spreadsheets

                                  There were many interpretations of our request for information. We did our best to decipher the data. When we weren't sure of the intent, we made a best guess, and emailed the department to review the courses. Departments should review the new capacities for each GUC; they are much smaller than expected.

                                  We did not accept any room requests during this process. Room requests may be submitted after we have completed the reassignment process.

                                  Keep Room Selected 
                                  • If a section was/is coded P (face to face) then we adjusted the Requested Room Capacity (RRC) and Enrollment Capacity (EC) to be at that new capacity. If a higher capacity is desired, the section must be coded Some Online (SO) or Hybrid (HY).
                                  • When SO or HY were requested, we assumed that the section would used flipped/rotating scheduling and did the math to make sure the RRC/EC made sense. For instance, if the new room capacity is 25, and the section meets MWF, then it would be logical that the capacity should be 75, so the capacity was adjusted down if needed. With SO, we calculated and less than 75% and HY at more than, determining that these courses might rotate over two weeks. Some sections had enrollment that was already higher, and these were changed to Distance Delivery.
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                                  Global Section desired
                                  • “VPNFilter”席卷全球 阿里安全专家为防范最新恶意软件支招:2021-5-25 · “VPNFilter”席卷全球 阿里安全专家为防范最新恶意软件支招 5月23日晚,思科公司Talos团队发布预警称,一款名为“VPNFilter”的最新恶意软件正在全球蔓延,预估有54个国家遭入侵,受感染设备的数量至少为50 万台。
                                  Distance Delivery (DD) desired
                                  • It is expected that DD courses will have a time/day listed for office hours, synchronous instruction, or other purposes. DD sections may have a combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
                                  Videoconference sections
                                  • When possible, we left the VC designations in place and did not change these sections to Distance Delivery. If the section was not meeting in a room, we changed the room to WEB_ARR (Web Arranged).

                                  When a GUC was requested, the room was left blank for the Optimizer. When the Requested Room Capacity was 50 or higher, we lowered it to 49. For courses that also were using SO/HY we put RRC at 49 but left Enrollment Capacity as it was or adjusted to for rotating schedules. If there was low enrollment, we occasionally lowered capacity to assist the section in finding a room. We created a chart to show percentage of spaces are available by capacity. Very few departments adjusted capacities to increase their odds of finding a space.


                                  posted 6/20/20

                                  Room Capacity changes to allow for Social Distancing make it necessary to remove current Fall 2023 room assignments and re-run the Optimizer program to re-assign rooms. We will not be re-assigning Department rooms; the departments will need to make these determinations and request room changes in Maintain Schedule of Classes > Notes/Requests. You will find information about COVID19 Scheduling on our new pages.

                                  • More information about COVID-19 Scheduling for Fall 2023
                                  • 为了建好这条国际数据通道 重庆和新加坡今天开了一个视频会 ...:2021-4-16 · 视频会议现场。华龙网-新重庆客户端 首席记者 佘振芳 摄 华龙网-新重庆客户端4月16日11时讯(首席记者 佘振芳)中新国际数据通道建设得怎么样了?
                                  • More information about Distance Delivery and Instruction Modes
                                  • More information about using the OBIEE Form/Report "COVID19 - Add Supplemental Data" to provide your department plans to the Campus Schedulers. This form will be submitted twice: Phase 1 - 6/30/20, Phase 2 - approximately 7/14/20 网络安全面临的风险挑战与战略应对:2021-6-2 · [摘要] 网络安全事关国家安全,信息化建设事关国家发展。习近平总书记指出,过不了网络关就过不了时伋关。充分认清我国信息化建设和网络安全面临的形势和任务,充分认识做好网络安全工作的重要性和紧迫性,深入研究互联网传播特点规律,大力加强网络管理,唱响网络空间主旋律,维护网络 ....

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                                  Initial Proofing opened on Monday, April 22, 2023. It was temporarily closed, per our normal procedures, and has been re-opened due to Fall 2023 scheduling changes. We will not make room assignments until Fall 2023 has been re-assigned.

                                  Type of Proofing Open Date Close Date Comments
                                  Initial Proofing April 22 re-opened until further notice
                                  • APPROVED courses are automatically activated
                                  • Approve all your ARR_ARR courses now
                                  • 最新!SDP入选Gartner 2021 CSO最应投入的十大安全项目:2021-6-29 · 摘要:第24届Gartner安全与风险管理峰会近日召开,会上分享了2021年Gartner向安全团队建议的十大新项目,SDP(软件定义边界)榜上有名。传统网络安全实践总是落后攻击一步,伋业首席安全官伊始终忙于追赶。黑客从侵入到被发现的平均驻留时间是99天。
                                  Proofing Blackout TBD August 9 or TBD
                                  • Unapproved courses are changed to Tentative. Room Capacity, Enrollment Capacity, and WaitList are changed to 0
                                  • Unapproved courses with large rooms lose the room
                                  • Rooms are assigned, if possible. VC rooms are assigned first to VC courses.
                                  • Changes can be submitted, but will not be processed until Final Proofing
                                  Final Proofing August 9 or TBD September 13 or TBD
                                  • Review room assignments
                                  • Courses APPROVED during final proofing will be active by 10/1 (this may be different Spring 21)
                                  • Rooms are assigned, if possible.
                                  Proofing Blackout September 14 or TBD September 30 or TBD
                                  • New changes can be submitted, but will not be processed until after Schedule of Classes is Live. 
                                  Schedule of Classes goes Live October 1 or TBD  
                                  • New changes can be submitted. Allow 5 business days for changes to go into effect.

                                  Previous Announcements


                                  Join our Zoom meeting for a tour of the website and the OBIEE form and to ask questions. Email Jill for an invite or join manually.

                                  COLLEGE 220 Closed for Fall


                                  We have been notified that this space is closed for Summer and Fall 2023 for technology and furniture/furnishing upgrades. Sheree is working to move courses that are scheduled in this room and will notify departments that are impacted.

                                  Spring 2023 Finals Times Updated

                                  posted 4/13/20, updated 4/27/20

                                  Per the Provost's Office, Final exam slots for Pullman campus Spring 2023 were extended by one hour. Three credit courses will be allotted three hours and four credit courses are allotted 4 hours. This required updating the Spring 2023 Final Exam Schedule and you can find the updated schedule on our Exam page. Note: The actual time allowed for the final did NOT change. The extra time is for administrative and technical purposes.

                                  The new final exam times were updated in myWSU for those courses that have selected YES in the Final Exam dropdown. Per normal procedures, if you would like to request a specific room or find an error in the schedule, update the Notes/Requests in the Exam tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes. If you would like to request to change the scheduled time/date, please have your Department Chair email:

                                  Spring 2023: Finals

                                  posted 4/2/20

                                  Although WSU is currently teaching courses using remote teaching technologies, final exam TIMES have been preliminarily scheduled in myWSU. Rooms were not scheduled, except for graduate courses. Finals, for those courses that will have a final, will be given using remote teaching technologies or by other means, but will not take place in a classroom. If an instructor needs a room to present a videoconference final, please leave a Notes/Request in the Exam tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes. Please update the Final dropdown in the Exam tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes as follows: (note: this is different from other semesters)

                                  • YES: Yes, the final will occur during the regularly scheduled final exam TIME, perhaps using remote teaching technology or other means.
                                  • NO: No, the final will be handled in another way, perhaps via a take-home exam or no final will be given. 

                                  Updated Training Guides

                                  We have updated our 25Live training guides in the right sidebar. NEW! We have created an Event Type for your Room Search Event. Please use "X DRAFT" as the event type when you create a new Room Search Event. All current Room Search Events that were using 25L Pullman Academic Event were updated. We were thrilled to see how many departmental Room Search Events are out there! Great job! You may want to set up a second search for Fall 2023, for example "Butch's Room Search - Fall". You can keep your Spring search and just update the dates for Spring 2021, if you like.


                                  posted 2/3/20

                                  • Please read the comments for a course before making a new request. Many requests have been fulfilled; others are still in the works. If Melissa has added “Noted by Melissa” as the last comment, then she is still working on your request. Please do not leave an identical request.
                                  • If your initial request is still pending, give Melissa until the end of this week to fulfill it. If she can’t accommodate you by the end of the week, then it is not an option.
                                  • Any new note that you leave will supersede your previous request.
                                  • You can see the rooms in 25Live for Fall 2023.
                                  • If you did not Approve sections/courses during Initial Proofing, then the courses were changed to tentative. If you had a room pre-assigned, but did not Approve the section, then the room was forfeit.

                                  Is the course Approved?

                                  Double check that the courses you intended to Approve were actually Approved. We have experienced some issues with the Approved checkbox not Saving. The Approved check box is the only way we have to know which courses you would like Activated. You can run an OBIEE Report to check Approved courses.

                                  Catch up on the old Newsletters

                                  We've created a page to archive newsletters. If you've missed one, or want to remember something we covered, you can find them with a list of topics.

                                  Training Videos

                                  We have started to create training videos for scheduling. You can find them on our Videos page. If you have a suggestion for a video, please email Jill.

                                  Fall 2023: Change Standard Meeting Times

                                  To allow a buffer between MWF and TH standard meeting times when a course uses both times, such as MTWH, we have moved Tuesday/Thursday meeting times five minutes later starting at noon. For example, courses that were 12:00 to 1:15pm using the old meeting times will meet 12:05 to 1:20pm starting Fall 2023.

                                  New Standard Meeting Times Chart

                                  Join our Listserv

                                  Join our cleverly named Schedulers_dept listserv for Department and Event Schedulers. Use this link to join. Academic scheduling announcements, our newsletters, and other messages will be sent through the list.

                                  Instruction Mode: myWSU Maintain Schedule of Classes

                                  In November, 2023, Instruction Mode was updated and the Class Attribute: OLT (Online Learning Type) was removed for all campuses starting Fall 2023 (2197). The following screenshot is displayed in Maintain Schedule of Classes. See our Schedule Builder training pages for details on how to use the updated Instruction Mode. classifications.

                                  Instruction Mode Options

                                  Schedule Builder Classes

                                  Do you want a refresher on the Schedule Builder applications in myWSU? Are you new to scheduling and need access to Schedule Builder applications? For more information on access and training, find it in the Schedule Builder training pages. We do not have any classes planned for early 2023 as WorkDay is using our normal lab. Send Jill Freuden an email if you are interested in a class; we can set up a temporary lab in Lighty if needed.



                                  Request and view rooms for exams & events. If the calendar says "Private", please login using your NID.

                                  • Pullman 
                                  • Everett
                                  • Spokane
                                  • Tri-Cities
                                  • Vancouver
                                  Campus Scheduler Info

                                  Campus Academic & Event Schedulers

                                  Department Scheduler Info

                                  Department Schedulers: Pullman

                                  • RONet Schedule of Classes
                                  • University Catalog
                                  Training Information
                                  Become a Department Scheduler

                                  Access and Training

                                  Scheduler_dept Listserv

                                  Academic scheduling newsletter & announcements. Sign up.

                                  25Live Pro Instructions

                                  Scheduling a GUC or Video Conference space. Updated 12/2/19

                                  Room Search Event 25L

                                  Setting up a Room Search Event in 25Live Instructions. Updated 12/11/19

                                  Fall 2023
                                  • GUCs reassigned: est 7/31/20
                                  Spring 2021
                                  • Initial Proofing: 4/20 - TBD

                                  Academic Scheduling Handbook

                                  Pullman Schedulers

                                  Melissa Wing, Campus Academic Scheduler

                                  (509) 335-9507

                                  Event & VC Scheduling

                                  Sheree Collins, Campus Event Scheduler



                                  Jill Freuden, Assistant Registrar


                                  Office of the Registrar

                                  French Administration Building, Room 346
                                  PO Box 641035
                                  Washington State University
                                  Pullman, WA 99164-1035
                                  (509) 335-6519


                                  Washington State University